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van Eijk
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Dr. Gwen van Eijk is Assistant Professor of Criminology. Gwen was one of the first criminology students at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and graduated in 2006. She received her PhD degree in urban sociology cum laude at the TU Delft. She has worked as an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford (2010-2011) and the City University of New York (2015-2016).
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Gwen’s research focuses on the social construction and reproduction of socioeconomic inequality in public policy and everyday life. In 2013, she was awarded a Veni grant by NWO for her project on exclusion and inclusion through crime control, which focuses on the role of socioeconomic status in criminal justice policies and practices in New York City and the Netherlands.

Eijk, G. van (online first, 2020) Inclusion and exclusion through risk-based justice: analysing combinations of risk assessment from pretrial detention to release, British Journal of Criminology. Read it here.

Eijk, G. van (2017) Socioeconomic marginality in sentencing: The built-in bias in risk assessment tools and the reproduction of social inequality, Punishment & Society, 19(4), 463-481. Read it here

 Eijk, G. van (2017) Between Risk and Resistance: Gender Socialization, Equality and Ambiguous Norms in Fear of Crime and Safekeeping, Feminist Criminology, 12(2), 103-124. Read it here

 Eijk, G. van (2015) Sociaaleconomische ongelijkheid en het strafrecht: aanzet tot discussie, Proces, tijdschrift voor strafrechtspleging 94(5): 282-287. Read it here.

 Eijk, G. van, T. Reeskens & S. Keuzenkamp (2015) Ongelijkheid in Nederland (introductie themanummer), Sociologie, 11(3-4): 317-328. Read it here.