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Léa Massé is a PhD candidate in Criminology at the Erasmus School of Law. She holds a bachelor in European Law from Orléans University (France) and a Master in Global Criminology from Utrecht University. Her Master thesis won the NVC thesis prize. Since September 2016, she has been working on radicalisation at Rotterdam University.
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In her PhD research, Léa explores the evolution of beliefs and behaviours during involvement in Islamic-inspired extremism. Drawing on qualitative data and existentialist insights, she questions the attractiveness of violence and the meaning it holds for individuals involved in extremist group. Her study is both qualitative and theoretical, and aims to provide insights into the dynamics of involvement, commitment and disengagement from extremism.

  1. L.E.J.S. Massé (2018). 'Being-in-the-Crime': Reflection on the Use of Phenomenological Methods in Criminology. In A. Bosma & S. Buisman (Eds.), Methoden van Onderzoek in het strafrecht, de Criminologie en de Victimologie (pp. 67-84). Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer

  2. L.E.J.S. Massé (forthcoming). Losing Mood(s): Examining ISIS Supporters’ Responses to ISIS’ Territorial Decline.