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M.H. (Mieke) Kox, MA is a PhD candidate at the Criminology department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands and a postdoc candidate at the Human Geography and Planning Department of Utrecht University.
Her PhD research discusses how migration control matters to unauthorized migrants. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork amongst 105 unauthorized migrants in the Netherlands, Nigeria and Surinam. Mieke's postdoc project focuses on the everyday experiences of refugee youth and asylum seekers in public space and is funded by HERA.
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In her dissertation, Mieke will illustrate how unauthorized migrants understand migration control and how these controls impact both their everyday lives and future. She discusses the pains of being unauthorized, the incorporation of NGOs in migration control structures, the perceived legitimacy of current controlling system and the unauthorized legal consciousness. Next to her PhD, Mieke is together with Richard Staring involved in an evaluation of an Assisted Voluntary Return-project of an NGO that is based in Rotterdam. Previously, she conducted research on immigration detention, everyday lives of rejected asylum seekers, transnational prisons and national-foreign offenders.

  1. M.H. Kox, M. Boone & R.H.J.M. Staring (2020). The pains of being unauthorized in the Netherlands. Punishment and Society. doi: 10.1177/1462474519887357
  2. A.S. Leerkes & M.H. Kox (2017). Pressured into a preference to leave? A study on the ‘specific’ deterrent effects and perceived legitimacy of immigration detention. Law & Society Review, 51 (4), 895-929. doi: 10.1111/lasr.12297