In this blogpost, PhD candidate Isabella Regan discusses the role of private online investigations in conflict settings. Paying specific attention to its use in the current conflict in Ukraine, she touches upon challenges related to legal, ethical and practical implications. The next four years, she will conduct a critical analysis of public and private power (im)balances within online open-source investigations of (transnational) crimes.
Door voortschrijdende technologische ontwikkelingen en verdere digitalisering van de samenleving zal de inzet van beelden in de strafrechtsketen toenemen, en daarmee de noodzaak deze kritisch te bevragen, net als iedere andere vorm van bewijs.
Het gebruik van beeldmateriaal vergt goed ontwikkelde visuele geletterdheid bij betrokken actoren - dit zal centraal staan in het onderzoek van Gabry Vanderveen, Willem-Jan Verhoeven en Lotte van Dillen dat door Politie & Wetenschap is gehonoreerd.
Today’s guest writer for the Rotterdam Criminology Blog is Mathijs Giltjes, a PhD Candidate from Erasmus School of Law who researches high frequency trading and market abuse. In this blog post, Mathijs offers a critical reflection on the value and limitations of the EU financial criminal law framework in combating high-frequency trading. This blog post carries important criminological relevance in relation to technology and cybercrime, and the unique challenges of developing effective criminal justice system responses to crimes of the powerful.
A few weeks ago, US President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order on preventing online censorship, which could significantly affect how social media platforms govern the content of their users. In this blog post, Amr Marzouk draws on the latest Trump-Twitter feud to explore challenges surrounding online censorship, 'fake news', and the growing influence of Big Tech. It argues that Trump’s recent Executive Order serves to worsen, rather than address, these important challenges.
In this blog post Sifra Matthijsse discusses a few criminogenic factors that are unique to the online context, and the implications of these factors for appropriate and effective interventions for cyber offenders. [...]
Hacktalk Cyberboefjes: verslag van een unieke ontmoeting tussen criminologen, politie/justitie, reclassering én cyberdaders zelf door Wytske van der Wagen.